UPI News

UPI provides a one-stop source for the latest and most important news in the United States and around the world. Beyond breaking news, UPI produces original, on-the-ground reporting on timely topics of national and international significance.

In an increasingly polarized media environment, UPI stands out for its "just the facts," objective approach to news reporting that resonates with audiences of all political affiliations.

The daily report includes expansive coverage of key news topics, including:

  • Top News - Major national and international news events with an emphasis on breaking news, as well as business and technology. Original coverage on the new space industry, with a reporter stationed along Florida's re-emerging Space Coast; Korea, with a reporter in Seoul; Mideast, with a writer and photographers covering Lebanon and Israel.
  • Health – Breaking important research developments and high-impact studies, as well as enterprise reporting on trends.
  • Science - New discoveries in outer space, as well as biology, physics, natural sciences, environmental findings and climate change.
  • Entertainment – News from television, movies, music, celebrities, streaming and other areas of the entertainment industry, including awards shows. Reporters in New York and Los Angeles provide exclusive interviews, reviews, trends and stories on how technology is evolving show business.
  • Sports – Major news and game highlights from all sports, including predictions and analyses, fantasy football guides, plus original interviews.
  • Odd News - News of the weird from around the world, including viral news and videos.
  • On This Day – Timely highlights from UPI’s historical archive of stories and photos that help put current news in context. UPI’s popular Almanac covers every date of the year, including celebrity birthdays.

The whole package includes an average of 100 daily stories. Clients have the option to license one or more of the topics packages.

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Photo by Michael Reynolds/UPI

Photo by Michael Reynolds/UPI